KnowYourBioAge Test

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to age gracefully while others don't? The answer lies in the fascinating field of epigenetics.

Epigenetics: The science behind the KnowYourBioAge Test

Unlike your DNA, which is fixed, your epigenome is influenced by your lifestyle, environment, and even your thoughts.

Your biological age is influenced by a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. While your DNA is fixed, your epigenome – the layer of chemical markers on your DNA – is dynamic and can be influenced by lifestyle choices. KnowYourBioAge measures these epigenetic changes to provide a comprehensive picture of your biological age for only £99.

By understanding your biological age, you can take proactive steps to improve your health and well-being. Whether it’s optimizing your diet, increasing physical activity, or managing stress, the KnowYourBioAge test empowers you to make informed decisions for a healthier and longer life.

AffinityDNA Health Icon Gut Microbiome Test Kit

More than just a test, KnowYourBioAge empowers you to:

  • Discover your true age: Unlike your chronological age, your biological age reflects your body’s actual wear and tear.
  • Take control of your health: Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions to optimize your well-being.
  • Unlock the secrets of longevity: Understand the factors influencing your ageing process and take steps to slow it down.
  • Track your progress: Monitor the impact of lifestyle changes on your biological age over time. It is recommended to take follow-up tests to track your progress every two to three months.

AffinityDNA Health Icon Gut Microbiome Test Kit

Collecting your DNA sample

The KnowYourBioAge test is incredibly simple. A saliva sample is all you need to unlock the secrets of your biological age. The laboratory’s advanced technology analyses the epigenetic markers in your DNA, providing a precise measurement of your biological age. Follow the instructions of your kit.

AffinityDNA Health Icon Gut Microbiome Test KitResults and Turnaround Time

You’ll receive your KnowYourBioAge test results within 7-14 working days. Your personalized report will reveal your biological age and offer insights into how your lifestyle is impacting it. We provide actionable steps to help you optimize your health and well-being.

Are you ready to discover your biological age and unlock your potential for healthier ageing? Order your KnowYourBioAge test today!

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Other DNA Health Tests

Affinity DNA offers a range of Health DNA Tests to help you learn more about your body and make informed decisions to care for your well-being and improve your quality of life. These tests include the DNA Diet and Healthy Weight Test, and the Gut Microbiome Test among others.

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  • What is the difference between biological and chronological age?

Your biological age is like your body’s true age, showing how well it’s holding up. It can be different from your actual age (chronological age) due to lifestyle and environment. While your genes play a part, your habits and surroundings have a bigger impact.

  • Who can take the test?

The test is designed for adults aged 25 and over.

  • When is the best time to take the test?

Choose a time when you’re feeling healthy and relaxed. Avoid taking the test right after illness or vaccination, as it might give inaccurate results.

  • What should I know before taking the test?

Follow the simple instructions in your kit. The test is performed in a top-notch lab with strict quality standards. For accurate results, make sure your saliva sample is clean and sufficient.

  • How do I send my saliva sample?

Use the included pre-addressed envelope. No customs declaration needed! Sending it another way might cause delays and extra costs.

  • How long does it take to get results?

You’ll typically receive your results within 7-14 working days.

  • What do my results mean?

Your results reveal your biological age compared to others. If you feel younger than your age, your results might confirm it. If not, it’s a wake-up call to improve your lifestyle.

  • How should I interpret my results?

Don’t panic if your biological age is surprising! It’s just a snapshot influenced by factors like sample quality and overall health. Minor illnesses or recent vaccinations can affect results. For the most accurate picture, test when you’re feeling well and following your normal routine.

  • Can I retake the test?

Absolutely! Track your progress with follow-up tests every two or three months. You can wait up to 6 months but you can do it sooner if you’ve made significant lifestyle changes.

  • Is my genetic data safe?

We prioritize your privacy. We don’t store genetic data. Only specific DNA markers are analysed, and your sample is destroyed afterwards.

  • How is my data protected?

Your sample is assigned a unique code for anonymity. Results are sent directly to your email.